Tuesday, March 31, 2015

25 Tips on How to Survive Your Freshman Year in UST

Hello there, Freshie!

Welcome to the University of Santo Tomas! An exciting and fun-filled experience surely awaits you. But first, let us present to you the 25 Tips on how to survive your freshman year in UST:

1. Bring your REGISTRATION FORM/ID anywhere, anytime and all the time.
Old policy still applies here: NO I.D, NO ENTRY.

2. Your umbrella is your new bestfriend. 
Rain or shine, siya ang kasangga mo.

3. Prepare your 1x1 and 2x2 photos.
Your professors will ask for it especially for seat plans and index cards. Always remember to wear a decent shirt or collared polo. Look professional.

4. Ready your coins! You will need it for lots of printing and photocopies.
Go to Antonio St. along the DapitanRoad for piso printing - cheap yet clear photocopies.

5. Do  not expose your expensive jewelries, phones and gadgets especially outside UST.
There are lots of holdapers and snatchers everywhere. Beware.

6. Set your alarms! 
Come to school early so you would not get any FA (failure due to absences). As a rule, 3 lates will render 1 absence. Accumulate all the allowable absences and you'll get a big red mark on your class record. 

7. Ace the game.
Once you get the list of your subjects, search online about it. Be curious. Don't wait for the books. It is better to have a brief background about those subjects than to look out of place during the first days of classes.

8. Be involved! 
If you are a performer, sports enthusiast, writer or a student leader, join organizations. Get out of your comfort zone. You will surely meet new friends and learn new things along the way.

9. Ready your coffee and chocolates.
For sure mapupyat ka because of the unending school works and deadlines to meet. You need all the energy bars, caffeine and live music to keep you awake.

10. Always carry your school map. 
As much as possible, memorize the names and locations of the different buildings and landmarks inside UST. It is a big campus and you might get lost. 

11. Looking for food trips? 
Stop exploring the car park! If you are tired of fast foods, try exploring the streets surrounding UST. There are more food choices along Dapitan, Lacson, Espanya and P. Noval.

12. Learn to eat in carinderias.
You will save a lot of money. BIGTIME!

13. There's free food during Agape/Paskuhan!
Just present your school ID.

14. Bring your banig, manila paper, plastic cover, etc. on Paskuhan. 
You will surely have a picnic at the Grandstand/Lover's Lane.

15. Don't dare to miss to watch the UST lights and fireworks display.
It is worth the wait.

16. Know ate Yema.
Aside from the yema she's selling, you may have a chika time with her. She has tips for you as well.

17. You're not a Thomasian yet unless you got stranded or walked through the flood.
Just be ready anytime.

18. Be proud of the UST Hymn.
Memorize it and sing it loud and proud and from the heart.

19. Learn the UST Cheers by heart as well.
You will love chanting it on our events especially in UAAP.

20. Don't be absent during the first day of your P.E class. Y
ou will learn that "Go USTe" is not the only cheer that we have. Plus it is your chance to watch the UST Yellow Jackets perform live.

21. Do not cross the Arch of the Centuries before your graduation.
Myth says you will not graduate if YOU DARE cross that arch.

22. If you are an aspiring Dean's Lister, maintain a semestral average of 1.75.
If you are aiming for Cum Laude, maintain a GWA of 1.75 and above. The earlier you start investing on your grades, the better. Don't wait before it's too late.

23. Stop looking for ka-sparks everywhere.
Love will come when it's the right time. Studies first.

24.  Don't be shy . 
Add your new blockmates in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram during the summer. It will help if you know someone during your first day. Who knows? They might be your new BFFs!

25. Enjoy!
College life will surely be a one hell of a sweet ride. You have a limited time to do what you want learn. Grab every opportunity you can to have fun and enjoy your college years. Be responsible and always smile. Enjoy! Party hard but never forget to study harder.Good luck! :)

Hope we helped you answer your questions.
Let us know if this article helped you in your first days in UST by leaving comments and suggestions. :)

Welcome, kapwa Tomasino!

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